Easing Anxiety Before Therapy Appointments

Easing Anxiety Before Therapy Appointments

Feeling uneasy or anxious about scheduling an appointment with a psychiatrist is natural. The prospect of an unfamiliar situation can be overwhelming, but there are ways to prepare yourself to help alleviate some of that stress. Breathing exercises, familiarizing yourself with your treatment, and journaling can help reduce uneasy feelings. Knowing what to expect at your first appointment can also help you to have more positive thoughts regarding your visit. 

Easing Anxiety

One way to feel more at ease is by practicing breathing exercises before, during, and after your appointment. You can do these exercises anywhere; most people won’t even realize you’re doing them. These exercises can help calm your nerves and ease your mind. Another way to reduce anxiety is to educate yourself about the treatment you will receive. You can research online, or our website has plenty of resources to dive into. If you are still feeling uneasy, contact our office for additional insight about your treatment. The more you know, the better you can prepare for the process. 

Journalling is another powerful tool you can use to manage anxiety. Your journal is a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings. Take some time to reflect on why you are seeking treatment, and jot down any questions or concerns you may have. Following your appointment, use your journal to document any new insights or questions that come to mind. Your journal is also a great place for you to track your progress. 

What to Expect at Your Appointment

When you arrive for your appointment, our friendly staff will greet you at the front desk and let you know when Dr. Hendleman is ready to see you. If you have a moment to wait, take that time to relax and practice some breathing exercises. Once your session begins, Dr. Hendleman will prompt you to discuss your current symptoms and struggles. Don’t forget to tell him about your interests and strengths, as this can help him further understand your needs. 

If you are experiencing any uneasy feelings while with the doctor, express them, and he will gladly assist you with some additional options to settle your concerns. Utilize their skills and be willing to share your thoughts and feelings throughout your treatment. As your appointment draws to a close, be sure to ask any questions you may have and reflect on your discussion. You may want to ask about your current treatment plan and other treatments that may be appropriate for you or clarify details about your next appointment. As you continue to visit Better Balance, you will become more comfortable with our staff, and any initial feelings of anxiety will begin to subside. 

Remember, you have already taken the brave step of seeking help. With time you will feel more at ease with the process and the staff. We will be there every step of the way to support you in your journey to better mental health. 

Contact Better Balance Psychiatry today to find Better Balance in your life. 

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