Difference Between a Therapist, Psychologist, and a Psychiatrist

Difference Between a Therapist, Psychologist, and a Psychiatrist

Seeking professional help for mental health concerns is crucial to your well-being and personal growth. However, with various titles and roles in the field, it can be confusing to understand the differences between therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Let’s shed some light on the functions and duties of these mental health professionals to make informed decisions about your care. Dr. John Hendleman is our resident psychiatrist at Better Balance, and Joey Farnsworth and Alex Magre are our new therapists. Discover their roles at Better Balance and how they can help you take a step toward mental wellness. You can learn more about Dr. Hendleman and the rest of our staff here!

The Role of Therapists

Therapists, also known as counselors or psychotherapists, specialize in providing counseling and psychotherapy services. They focus on helping you navigate challenges, improve relationships, and enhance overall well-being. Here at Better Balance, Joey and Alex help patients with services like talk therapy. Therapists employ various methods, such as supportive therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and other modalities tailored to your needs. They often hold degrees in psychology, counseling, or social work and obtain licenses to practice. 

Joey has her master’s degree in social work and a bachelor’s in psychology. She specializes in working with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health disorders in family or individual sessions. Alex is another great asset to our team. He has received his Masters Degree in social work from Utah State University and is passionate about helping others. Some of their preferred modalities include Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Hypnotherapy, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). You can learn more about Joey and our other staff members here. At Better Balance, we offer a safe and non-judgmental space for you to explore your emotions, develop coping skills, and work toward your goals. 

The Role of Psychologists 

Psychologists are experts in the assessment and treatment of mental health disorders. Sometimes they hold doctoral degrees in psychology and typically have extensive training in research, psychological assessment, and evidence-based therapies. Psychologists use standardized assessments to diagnose and understand mental health issues and provide therapeutic interventions tailored to your needs. Psychologists often collaborate with therapists or other professionals to ensure holistic care for your well-being. 

The Role of Psychiatrists

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing, treating, and managing mental health disorders. They have completed medical school and four years of highly specialized training in psychiatry during their residency. Dr. Hendleman has extensive experience and training, from his internship in Las Vegas, Nevada, to his residency in West Virginia. He has also had the opportunity to serve in the United States Military, where he traveled internationally to further his education. He currently specializes in TMS Therapy (or Transcranial magnetic stimulation). Learn more about Dr. Hendleman here

Psychiatrists hold the unique ability to prescribe medications and monitor their effectiveness. They work closely with individuals experiencing severe mental health conditions or complex cases that may require further attention. Psychiatrists often work with therapists and psychologists to provide a comprehensive treatment plan that combines talk therapy and medication. Learn more about the services we provide here


Understanding the distinctions between therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists is essential for receiving the most appropriate mental health care. Each professional has specific skills and expertise to ensure a comprehensive approach to your treatment. If you’re seeking emotional support, personal growth, or help with daily challenges, Joey, a therapist, may be the best fit. If you believe that more extensive care or medication might be a better option, a psychiatrist like Dr. Hendleman would be a better fit. However, research shows that a combination of medication management and therapy together is more effective than either on its own. It’s important to communicate openly with the professionals you are considering and discuss your concerns to make an informed decision. 

Remember, seeking professional help is a proactive step towards improving your mental health and overall well-being. If you’re ready to take the next step towards a more balanced life, reach out to Better Balance Psychiatry today. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing compassionate care and tailored treatment to suit your needs. Schedule an appointment or contact Better Balance for more information and to get started on your journey toward mental wellness. 

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