who we are

Better Balance Psychiatry provides comprehensive mental health care and therapy for Southern Utah and surrounding areas. We offer medication management, therapy, and innovative treatment such as TMS and Spravato. At Better Balance Psychiatry we strive to help provide you with the tools you need to feel balanced and empowered to live your life to the fullest.


Dr. John Hendleman


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Brian Gashler

Physician Assistant

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Joey Farnsworth


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Alex Magre


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MaryNell Lundquist


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Shannon A.

Practice Manager

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Taylor H.

TMS Tech

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TMS Tech

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our therapists

Doloremque Nam Et Nam

Doloremque Nam Et Nam

Repudiandae voluptas reiciendis mollitia sed et velit veritatis et incidunt. Ullam molestiae et qui hic.

Odio velit inventore ea natus eligendi veritatis quaerat veritatis. Accusamus fugit consequatur officiis. Ea nobis itaque voluptatum sequi et quis qui accusamus nihil. Totam repellat culpa consequatur necessitatibus pariatur. Nobis aspernatur voluptatem accusamus. Neque liber

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Dr. John Hendleman



Courtney May

Interventional Psychiatry Coordinator

Elizabeth Taylor

Executive Assistant

our nurses

Eum Dolores

Eum Dolores

A omnis debitis qui quos et et necessitatibus ut praesentium. Reprehenderit reprehenderit qui nisi. Quod exercitationem quo est

Perspiciatis ipsa voluptatem excepturi dolorem. Ipsam dolorem voluptates eos. Qui sed atque tenetur repellat dolor nulla iusto vel. Natus in quo. Cumque doloribus qui est quia aut eos maxime. Facere incidunt et est. Non porro aut voluptatum

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our staff

Marynell Lundquist

Marynell Lundquist


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Sara Lee

Sara Lee

Billing Assistant

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Alex Magre

Alex Magre


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Leilah Anderson

Leilah Anderson

TMS Tech

Leilah joined the Better Balance team as a TMS Tech. She will be graduating from the Utah Tech University with her Bachelors in Psychology & Minor in Communications. When asked why she likes working at Better Balance, she says "The people here are amazing! We have a friendly and upbeat environment we have created here at the office. I love to meet and greet new people that come and to build relationships. I am so happy to be apart of all we’re doing here at BBP!

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Joey Farnsworth

Joey Farnsworth


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Taylor Holmes

Taylor Holmes

TMS Tech

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Shannon Anastacio

Shannon Anastacio

Practice Manager

Shannon is the organized driving force that keeps our office running smoothly. When asked why she likes working at Better Balance she says "I love the patient focus with a team environment. I love helping patients get the care they need.

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Types of mental health professionals


A physician, either MD or DO, who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness and treats conditions rooted in biology or neurochemistry using medication management and specialized therapy modalities. They are licensed and certified by both State and Federal standards.

Total training time: 12 years


Sometimes referred to as therapists and their focus is mainly on different forms of psychotherapy. They sometimes acquire a PhD and would then be referred to as “Doctor” but they cannot prescribe medications in the state of Utah.

Total training time: 8 - 12 years

Physicians assistant

A physician assistant (PA) medical professionals who diagnose illnesses, develop and manage treatment plans, prescribe medications, and work under the supervision of a licensed doctor.

Total training time: 6 - 6.5 years

Nurse practitioner

A nurse practitioner (NP) is a healthcare professional who diagnose illnesses, develop and manage treatment plans, prescribe medications. A Psychiatry/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) has completed the state requirements to work in the specialty field of Psychiatry and Mental Health. 

Total training time: 5 - 8 years

psychiatry Services

Green Flower Icon

Addiction Recovery

Whether it’s drug/alcohol use, pornography, or caffeine, addiction plagues a staggering number of people. We work with each patient as an individual to help them in achieving Better Balance through a combination of therapy and medication management.

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Green Medicine Bottle

Medication Management

Medications are frequently an essential component of treatment to assist in achieving Better Balance in your day-to-day living. Having completed four years of specialized training in Psychiatry, Dr. Hendleman will work closely with you to find the most relevant and beneficial treatment option available.

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Green Brain


Individualized treatment is essential for patient’s having suffered trauma through uniformed service such as military, police, fire-fighter’s, and other unexpected life events. Dr. Hendleman will work with you to find the right combination of therapy and/or medications to help you live your life to the fullest!

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Green Flower Icon

TMS Therapy

TMS Therapy is a revolutionary treatment that can help alleviate the symptoms of Treatment-Resistant Depression and those with suicidal thoughts.

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Green Medicine Bottle

Spravato Treatment

Spravato has the potential to dramatically lessen the symptoms in Treatment Resistant Depression and depression with suicidal thoughts.

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