What to Expect at My First TMS Appointment

What to Expect at My First TMS Appointment

At Better Balance, we understand that any new type of treatment can be overwhelming, especially if you’re considering TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) for the first time. As we guide you through your first treatment, we hope to ease any reservations or anxiety surrounding the treatment and assure you that you are in good hands. We aim to guide you through what to expect during your initial TMS appointment and provide important information to help you feel more prepared and comfortable. If you have any questions or concerns about your appointment or treatment, you can contact our friendly staff, and they will be more than happy to assist you!

Understanding TMS

TMS, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Dr. Hendleman aims to alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being by stimulating those areas of your brain with a safe and effective alternative to traditional treatments like medication or therapy. You can learn more about TMS Therapy on our website or contact our office to schedule a consultation. 

Preparing for the First Appointment

Before your first TMS session, our friendly team will assist you with scheduling and completing your paperwork. If you haven’t scheduled your appointment, give us a call! We’ll help you arrange an initial consultation and assessment with Dr. Hendleman to ensure that TMS is right for you. During this time, sharing your medical and mental history is essential to help us personalize your treatment plan. Please, don’t hesitate to ask questions about your treatment or TMS therapy, such as potential side effects. 

The Initial Consultation

Before your first treatment, we will schedule a mapping session. Mapping is essential for Dr. Hendleman to learn which area of your brain will need stimulation to treat your symptoms of anxiety or depression. They will guide you through an evaluation to help the doctor understand your specific treatment needs and goals. If you’re feeling anxious before your appointment, you can use these helpful tips to calm your nerves. Following the mapping appointment, we will schedule your first TMS appointment. Our staff will warmly welcome you and escort you to your treatment room, where you will begin your TMS therapy.

TMS Treatment Process

When you arrive at our treatment rooms, you’ll be comfortably seated, and one of our technicians will place a TMS coil on your scalp, according to the mapping achieved at your previous appointment, to deliver magnetic pulses. During the treatment, you may experience tapping sensations on your head, but don’t worry; it’s a painless procedure. If you experience any discomfort, please let Dr. Hendleman or his technician know. Each session typically lasts about three to 20 minutes, and you’ll generally require several sessions per week, depending on your current treatment plan. Your appointments will become easier as you visit us more often. 

Monitoring Progress and Adjustments

At Better Balance, we believe in closely monitoring your progress and making any necessary adjustments to ensure an optimal outcome. Dr. Hendleman will regularly review and evaluate your response to TMS and make modifications accordingly. We encourage you to communicate openly about your experience and appreciate your feedback throughout the treatment process. Your well-being is our top priority while in our care, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. 

Potential Side Effects

While TMS is generally well-tolerated, like any treatment, it’s important to be aware of any potential negative effects. Common side effects may include a mild headache or scalp discomfort, which usually will subside shortly after your session. Serious side effects are rare, but if you experience persistent headaches or any concerning symptoms, mentally or physically, please reach out immediately!


At Better Balance Psychiatry, we’re committed to providing you with the highest quality of care throughout your TMS journey. We hope we have offered helpful insight on what to expect during your first TMS appointment and invite you to schedule a consultation if you’re ready to explore TMS as a treatment option for your depression or anxiety. To learn more about our services, contact our office or visit our website. Take the first step towards a better balance today!

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