Mental Health blog

Lady in a green shirt. Doctor John Hendleman is a Psychiatrist with Better Balance Psychiatry specializing in mental health treatment in Utah and Texas via Telepsychiatry.

our blog

How Do I Know If TMS Therapy Is Right For Me

How Do I Know If TMS Therapy Is Right For Me

Suffering from depression and looking for a better treatment option? Contact Dr. Hendleman with Better Balance Psychiatry to schedule a consultation to see if TMS might be a solution for you.

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Caring for Someone With Depression

Caring for Someone With Depression

Learn how to offer help and support to loved ones struggling with depression. Understand the signs and symptoms, and know the importance of seeking a proper diagnosis from a medical professional. Discover how Better Balance can assist in bringing joy back into their life!

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The Top 5 TMS Benefits

The Top 5 TMS Benefits

Though it can be a harrowing experience to seek out treatment and not find relief, TMS has been a life-changing experience for many in finally feeling a positive shift in their mood and getting control of their lives back.

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The TMS Approach to Treatment Resistant Depression

The TMS Approach to Treatment Resistant Depression

TMS is an FDA-approved treatment modality for TRD and has been revolutionary in treating depression and helping people get their lives back.

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What TMS Treatment Is

What TMS Treatment Is

TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation and is a noninvasive procedure that stimulates nerve cells in the brain via magnetic fields produced by a machine. This form of stimulation to the brain relieves depression symptoms and has significantly affected the mood and temperament of those undergoing treatment.

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How to Boost Your Self-Esteem

How to Boost Your Self-Esteem

What does it mean to have a healthy self-esteem? Some people think it means you are okay with how you look. Other people think you must accomplish something big in your life to have good self-esteem.

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National Men's Health Week

National Men's Health Week

Men. They're strong. Courageous. Ready to go to war for the country and family they love. But men are also susceptible to disease and poor health outcomes. In fact, men are more likely to experience health issues simply because have been brought up to believe that asking for help is a sign of weakness, and putting others first should be their priority.

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Benefits of a Mental Health Day from Work or School

Benefits of a Mental Health Day from Work or School

We’ve all had those days when the alarm goes off and we lie in bed, feeling depleted of our energy, and maybe even our good mood. We think to ourselves, “I’m not really sick, but I just need a break from real life today.” While taking a sick day is common when you are feeling physically unwell, what’s not as common – but perhaps should be – is taking a mental health day when you are feeling mentally and emotionally unwell.

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